Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Critical Debates in Design ( task four )

Which organization/companies do you think have a good CSR policy and why?
Honeybees are disappearing at a rapid speed, which was bad news for the global food chain. Haagen-Dazs create a website to raise awareness of the issue: “Honey bees are responsible for pollinating one-third of people’ foods, example ice creams, sorbets, frozen yogurt and bars.”
Haagen-Dazs invest a part of income in the research of honeybee. What is more, it holds a society activity about the Help Honey Bees, and raising $7,000 in two days.
What do you consider to be your personal social responsibilities as a designer?

Designers have a duty to make people’ life better instead of just take force on profit. And, nowadays, not only design needs to resolve ‘ user friendly ‘ problem, it also should to address ‘ social problem’.

Change people’ behavior

Piano StairCase:
You often hear people said: Using the stairs more healthy than the elevator when you are upstairs. However, few people did it. And these designers use a simple and funny way to resolve it.

The World’s Deepest Bin:
They use an easy way to make the bed behavior of throwing garbage out of recycle bin disappear.


A large number of paper water was a threat to environment. And designers should to design something to tackle it.

Kenyahara – a very outstanding Japanese designer and this is his design project. He makes the shape of toilet paper core to square, which just spend a bit piece of paper when people use it. He used a simple way to save more toilet paper.


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